Rainbow flag equated with Nazi swastika in Kansas


I think J. R. Knight and his fam­i­ly must be the one good fam­i­ly that pre­vents God from destroy­ing Meade Kansas in a rain of hellfire.

Next time I’m in Kansas, I think I’ll stop in for a meal and shake that man’s hand for putting up with that crap with such a good attitude.

2 Replies to “Rainbow flag equated with Nazi swastika in Kansas”

  1. I feel fun­ny about this
    I feel fun­ny about this sto­ry. I blogged on it too and now I’m hav­ing sec­ond thoughts. I won­der if some­thing else isn’t going on here. I don’t know for sure and I hope I’m wrong. You may find my sec­ond thoughts on this sto­ry of interest.

  2. As a black dude who can
    As a black dude who can actu­al­ly accept that not every­one who flies the rebel cross is a racist, I have to say that the peo­ple harass­ing the B&B folks are freak­ing idiots. I don’t know what hell is for peo­ple that intol­er­ant and stu­pid, but I wish them god­speed in their jour­ney there.

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