Potrero Hill Run

After last Sun­day’s dis­ap­point­ing per­for­mance at the Cable Car Chase, yes­ter­day I went out for the DSE Run­ners Potrero Hill Run. I pushed hard, had fun, and broke the nine minute mile on a course with one par­tic­u­lar­ly nasty hill. It’s been a while since I’ve seen eight-some­thing instead of nine-some­thing on my pace, and it’s quite welcome.

The trou­bling hill in ques­tion is the South side of Ver­mont Street, which most peo­ple don’t real­ize is the real twisti­est street in the world. It’s not as pho­to­genic as the twisty por­tion of Lom­bard, but it does snake back and forth its way up (down if you’re in a car) a very steep sec­tion of hill. I have a 5K loop that I run once a week or so that hits that hill, and I’ve only recent­ly cracked the ten minute mile on that loop, with the same hill and an over­all short­er course.

2 Replies to “Potrero Hill Run”

  1. Hel­lo There. I hope you
    Hel­lo There. I hope you don’t mind an “unknown” per­son to you say­ing hel­lo. But I was first attract­ed by the icon as I love motor­cyles too. Most­ly I’m more into mus­cle cars and the speed that goes with it. I guess I just want­ed to con­grat­u­late on break­ing your nine minute. Very good. I love San Fran­sis­co. I miss it. I’ve only been 2x since the hor­ri­ble earth quake years ago. I live in Stock­ton in the cen­ter of the val­ley of Cal­li­for­nia. Well Peace Out and Take Care Jamie

  2. Well, twisti­est in the city,
    Well, twisti­est in the city, cer­tain­ly. I always knew it exist­ed grow­ing up in the area, but nev­er took the time even to dri­ve it. Last sum­mer, though, we moved to 20th & Rhode Island. Now I dri­ve down it all the time, just for fun.

    Run­ning it would seem a cau­tion, espe­cial­ly try­ing for 9m miles (I think I just maybe ran 8 on flat ground at age 14, when I was actu­al­ly in shape and young to boot), but is Ver­mont real­ly so bad? I walk up the hill all the time, giv­en where I live, and sec­tion of oth­er streets are a lot worse than either side of Vermont.

    Me, I like that the vagrants and loi­ter­ing kids you encounter on the steps near­by are classier than most. They’re by the twisti­est street in the city, so they behave.

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