Tehran is the capital of.…

4.0 miles in 37:21 on real out­door pave­ment, not the tread­mill. That’s the far­thest I’ve ever run out­doors. I was think­ing about going for the fifth lap to make it five miles, but after my pace dropped dra­mat­i­cal­ly in the fourth mile after run­ning three steady 8:45 miles, so I fig­ured that was a good sign that it was about time to call it a day.

I’m a lit­tle con­cerned because I feel like I’m … Read the rest


For Katie, who was tak­en too young, raped and beat­en until she was no more. I’m sor­ry I tried to for­get; I was almost as young as you were and I did­n’t know that I could sur­vive knowing.

For Ann, who took her own life. You were a fel­low suf­fer­ing being. I wish I could have shared in your pain and com­fort­ed you the way you reached out and com­fort­ed me after the earthquake.

For Rachel, who over­dosed twen­ty years … Read the rest

Ugh. I’ve got a good feeling about this

I don’t know how to deal.

On Sun­day I went to church for the first time in prob­a­bly almost two years. I’ve gone spo­rad­i­cal­ly to St. James Epis­co­pal here in San Fran­cis­co. They don’t make any demands on me to declare belief in any­thing in par­tic­u­lar and I love being a part of a com­mu­ni­ty of peo­ple with a desire for spir­i­tu­al nour­ish­ment with­out stric­ture about my com­pli­ance with the com­mu­ni­ty. Mary Moore Gaines, the Rec­tor of St. James, is a … Read the rest

Question for sheenaqotj (or anyone else that might know)

Can you offer me any advice on tun­ing the per­for­mance of my old RS/6000?


I’d sent you email, (and you can see in the link above that I sent mail to my RS/6000 user group) but this is my mailserv­er we’re talk­ing about and I can’t trust it with the way it’s behav­ing under the strain these days.… Read the rest

Here’s how it went down

A friend dropped me off last night, and I make it my habit not to make my friends deal with the small maze of one-way streets that they have to deal with if they actu­al­ly turn on to my street. Instead he dropped me off in the bus stop on Mis­sion Street and I went around the cor­ner to my apart­ment entrance.

Com­ing up my to the door, there was a guy, lati­no, with fucked up hair in every direc­tion, … Read the rest

Haunted by Glove Puppet

I’m haunt­ed by the ghosts of three dead girls. Ban­co de Gaia seems to be chan­nel­ing their voices:

Can we stop now all our arguments?
Can we end now all our wars?
I think it's time we had a go/At finding out what's wrong.
Is there something that you don't like
In the way I seem to you? 
Please tell me, maybe I'll change it/Or explain it for you.
What would make you feel better 
Is there something I can 
Read the rest

Reminder to self

I’ve been work­ing on get­ting my com­pa­ny’s web­site’s cred­it card proces­sor upgrad­ed to talk to mul­ti­ple trans­ac­tion ser­vices providers so that our cus­tomers can choose their own damn cred­it card proces­sors and still work with us. I’d hoped to get this fin­ished last week, and I left work Fri­day night at 5:30 think­ing, «just a cou­ple hours on Mon­day and it’ll be all done.» Well, I left Mon­day night and Tues­day night think­ing I had only a cou­ple … Read the rest

I don’t think anyone is sick of it

Yeah, I know, every­one’s sick and tired of hear­ing about it. Deal.

But it was one year ago today. 366 days because of the leap year, but it was one year ago today that I woke up and looked at the news to find that I had one few­er friend in the world.

I keep on think­ing, you know, stiff upper lip. Get over it. You did­n’t real­ly know her that well. Stop remind­ing every­one else about it. And then I imag­ine … Read the rest