
Wan­der­ing through ran­dom peo­ple’s jour­nals this morn­ing I came across some­one’s jour­nal that res­onat­ed with me quite a bit. The more I read, the more intrigued I became. And the more I read, the more I saw ways in which our cir­cum­stances are sim­i­lar, which explained the res­o­nance. And then…

A painful aware­ness hit me. This per­son described how she had stopped pur­su­ing dat­ing and roman­tic rela­tion­ships because she is whole and does not require a part­ner to com­plete her. The … Read the rest


First, let me say that return-receipt reg­is­tered mail to Iran is real expen­sive. But I’m glad that I can do that at all with a coun­try with whom the US has no diplo­mat­ic rela­tions. Almost all my inter­na­tion­al mail in the last eigh­teen months has just been lost in the void or tak­en upwards of six months to arrive. But as soon as I start­ed using reg­is­tered mail, which is sup­posed to be slow­er, they start­ed show­ing up in 5Read the rest


Writ­ing a response to an ear­li­er thread got me think­ing about some things, specif­i­cal­ly about Cuba and women and see­ing Cuba before Cas­tro dies, because things will change quite a bit when he’s gone.

My father went to Cuba a cou­ple years ago. He was a part of a “ful­ly host­ed” yacht race so it was entire­ly legal and every­thing. And he took a lot of pic­tures. One of my favorite ones is this post’s fea­tured image above.

A cou­ple things about … Read the rest

YicksCam is online!

Well, I may not be able to videochat with any­one, but at least I can take pic­tures of my won­der­ful cor­ner so that the rest of the world can see the crazy dra­ma that goes by here all the time. I’m not going to burn through all my band­width by run­ning stream­ing video on the street­corner, but you can see the lat­est still (updat­ed every 5 min­utes) here: the rest

I believed the hype

Yeah! I went and got an iSight today! I was all stoked to be a part of the whole online video com­mu­ni­ty, get­ting ready to tele­con­fer­ence all over the world with my new web­cam “for the rest of us” as the esteemed Mr. Jobs said.

I got it home and it works great! not super in low-light con­di­tions, but maybe there are some adjust­ments I can make some­where. And even though there’s not much to see, even in low-light con­di­tions it … Read the rest

The Compulsive Splicer: The Loreniuska Interview

Thank you, Lore­nius­ka for these questions.

1. What is your biggest regret in life?

First the cop-out answer: i don’t real­ly have any regrets. I’ve made some bad deci­sions, but they’ve all led to me being where I am right now, and most of the things I wish I could have done dif­fer­ent­ly I could­n’t have known why it was wrong until after I’d done the wrong thing. But that’s a kind of philo­soph­i­cal view, and I do have painful … Read the rest


Where did my life go? I still have no con­tact from either M. or Y. and this dis­turbs me ter­ri­bly. The only plans I’ve dared to make revolve around these two women I’ve nev­er met. Some­how this strikes me as a rather poor way to ensure my happiness.

But what are my oth­er choic­es? Go out and date? have a nor­mal life? No, this is where my ego gets in the way. I want an extra­or­di­nary life. I want my … Read the rest


OK, so this is real good and real bad. Most­ly real good, but there’s a sharp bit­ter­ness in there too, and I’m try­ing to absorb it like a grownup or something.

A month or more ago I met this chick over Friend­ster, OK? It was kind of fun­ny because she was imme­di­ate­ly very hot and flir­ty and fun­ny and all that, and she invit­ed me to a par­ty at her house like that very next night. So I thought that … Read the rest

Bled dry

Donat­ed blood today. Fun­ny thing is, now I’m real­ly tired. I guess that’s not unex­pect­ed. What’s unex­pect­ed is that it was a longer day than I thought it would be.

I start­ed the day with the appoint­ment I had to look at a clien­t’s net­work­ing and rein­stall some soft­ware at 9am, and I was actu­al­ly there on time, which i just have to say to remind myself that yes, I am capa­ble of being on time when I make the … Read the rest