Decision time: run marathon or PR half marathon in 2024

I’ve had a good few months of run­ning; real­ly a good year so far. How­ev­er, I’ve been waf­fling on my goals. I haven’t decid­ed whether this is the year for my first marathon. One option is the Mohawk-Hud­son Riv­er Marathon in Octo­ber, the only marathon local to the Cap­i­tal Region. There are full marathon and half marathon options for the Mohawk-Hud­son. On August first the reg­is­tra­tion fee increases.

My minor goal is a total of 2,024km in … Read the rest

23 races in ’23

Some­where around the begin­ning of the year one of my run­ning bud­dies told me that she had cho­sen a chal­lenge for her­self: to run twen­ty-three races in 2023. Twen­ty-three sound­ed like a lot of races (in 2022 I ran eleven orga­nized races. See but after giv­ing it a lit­tle con­sid­er­a­tion I decid­ed to accept the chal­lenge that she had­n’t explic­it­ly thrown at my feet.

After all, 23 races might be … Read the rest

Broken promise

I used to make it a point to write a post for Amer­i­ca’s Inde­pen­dence Day. It was an exer­cise in affirm­ing what it means to me to live in Amer­i­ca. I’ve let that go over the past few years for a vari­ety of rea­sons. I just haven’t been express­ing myself in writ­ing so much because dis­course itself feels bro­ken in this so-called post-truth era. But I’ve been think­ing about it for a few days and I do have some­thing to Read the rest