Bring Me Another Book, Slave
Nothing like some good smart smut. It’s nice to know that there are some authors out there writing sexy books that don’t insult our intelligence. What can I say? This book was refreshing like a cool drink of water. While explicit, it was never cheap and never stupid.
Carrie’s Story is billed as “An Erotic S/M Novel” and as such there was a lot that I got to read that I have no desire to try. The whole pony-training thing? About as sexy as watching paint dry. Heck, someone somewhere is probably into watching paint dry so I don’t quite know what to write.
But there’s something interesting beneath all of the alien trappings, silly games, and costumes. It’s like partner-dancing. Not the dancing the kids do today (and have been since before I was born), but the old kinds, where there’s a leader and a follower and actual steps and moves. Although all dancing is about sex, the modern club dancing, while sometimes much more demonstrative about the gyrations and such, has mostly abstracted itself from having any sexual dynamic. There are no roles, no pairing off, it’s a bunch of jumping around and individualistic showing off of moves. I’m not saying it’s not fun — to the contrary it can be a blast. But partner-dancing is where the men get to be men and the women get to be women. Or throw away the gender reference: I live in San Francisco, so of course I’ve seen women lead and men follow. In partner-dancing, the doms get to be doms and the subs get to be subs.
There’s no brutality to swingdancing, but the leader has to learn to lead in order to be a good dancer. Is there a lesson here for all relationships? Perhaps, but I mean only to relate this back to this book. Ms Weatherfield portrayed a world of sexual power exchange in a way that made as much sense and seemed as natural as leading my dance partner across the floor.
Except, you know, with freaky props.