Daring Doesn’t Make it Good
Yes, a bit more of the S/M literature. While it’s a genre that holds a certain interest, this was nowhere near as compelling as Carrie’s Story.
A few things bothered me about it. First, I felt that Ms Corum crossed the line between dominance and brutality. So sure, maybe that’s the point of fiction, to go beyond what we’d be comfortable with in real life, but it was more than just discomfort, it was distaste I experienced.
Ms Corum’s writing style seems to betray a certain laziness. Plot elements appear suddenly as though they were afterthoughts. Afterthoughts are fine in writing, where a writer has the opportunity to go back and weave the afterthought in to the rest of the story. Breaking the Girl read like a first draft, full of promise if someone would just go back into it and build on what’s good and make consistent what is not.
Perhaps you should look up
Perhaps you should look up “bely” (sic) and add it and the definition to your vocab section.…
Dad the proofreader