The great American novel
To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the five best novels ever written, and I’m not sure what the other four were. I just finished reading it for probably the fifth time, this time out loud. One thing for sure, reading aloud makes it harder to miss nuances.
Reading To Kill A Mockingbird aloud was a pleasure in some ways and difficult in others. Even if I weren’t a damn yankee reading Alabama dialogue, I was brought up better than to say «nigger». Unlike a lot of other words, some of them pretty horrible, that I’m fully capable of saying aloud, that one was awkward and repeated again and again through the book.
If you haven’t read To Kill A Mockingbird in the last half a decade, shame on you. If you haven’t ever read it, shame on your high school English teachers.
TKAM is the fourth “most
TKAM is the fourth “most influential book for Americans today” according to a survey conducted jointly by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club. The Bible was first and my personal favorite, Atlas Shrugged, was second.
If everybody reread AS and TKAM every decade, the world would be a better place. They both make you consciously want to be a better person.