Today running up Bernal there was not so much haze as the first time and no clouds at all in the sky. One would think I’d be smart enough to wear sunblock, but actually no. I’ve been ambivalent about my sunblock, which I used to be a huge fan of until I read about recent research which indicates that sunblock with oxybenzone may cause DNA damage and cancer, both of which I’d rather avoid. Not that running in the hot sun without sunscreen isn’t its own cancer risk. I’d probably better just switch brands.
Did I run the whole way up? No. I did, however, get a half block farther before dropping to a walk than I did the last time. A half block may not sound like much, but it’s a half block of a sidewalk at 26% grade, so I’ll take that as a victory, or at least good progress.
After reaching the top of Bernal Heights Summit I came down the path on the West side rather than continuing down the road. It’s more fun to navigate the gravel and rocks than tromp down the pavement. I guess that means I should really try trail running.
Coming down the hill I found it was hard for me to let myself go very fast. That means I was spending a lot of energy slowing myself down. I wish I were at the point where I could trust my legs to keep me up at whatever speed the downhill takes me, but that hasn’t happened. Just something else to work on.

Let’s definitely get together
Let’s definitely get together for a race some time. I’m back into running now and could use a good afternoon of busting my ass and coming in last! 🙂