Walk to the races
I’ve combined two walks here, one to the start of the DSE Runners Mission Bay 5K today and the other back home. I wasn’t quite sure how to handle it because the next report will be about running that happened in the middle of this walk. It seemed silly to have three runs logged for one trip out, but I definitely want to keep my race entries separate.
One nice thing about this walk is that for the way back home I had a cup of Philz coffee in my hand. I’m finishing that cup now as I write. While I was waiting for mine to be made, a small group came along with two women, a child in a stroller and a man who waited outside. They were having a little trouble with the learning curve at Philz, which is understandable since there are so many options. One said out loud, «how do we know what to get?» so I recommended the Philharmonic as my own favorite, and before I left I saw that they both had ordered the Philharmonic, with cardamom. I have a little regret that I didn’t wait long enough to find out if either or both liked it, but I’m choosing to believe that it couldn’t fail to please.