Disprove or discredit an idea or proof.
Similar to *refute*, but with stronger connotation. A refutation is an assertion; confutation is substantiated and proven.
Found in one of the footnotes of *The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire*.
> He represents with candour and confutes with subtlety, the opinions of the philosophers.
Hey, a new one to me! Cool!
Hey, a new one to me! Cool! I was getting pretty smug since I’d known all the ones you posted so far…
p.s. Here’s one for you:
p.s. Here’s one for you: “decimate” does not mean – or at least did not originally mean, although a descriptive grammarian would argue that the meaning is changing now – “to utterly destroy”. Strictly speaking, it means “to kill one tenth of”. Almost nobody uses the word in its original sense anymore. (See http://www.bartleby.com/61/35/D0073500.html)