The killing of ants.
I started wondering if this word existed as I was using my vacuum cleaner as a means of dispensing with a procession of the six-legged pests crossing my kitchen floor. They seem to really like my garbage. I know the vacuum cleaner won’t get rid of them, but it makes me feel better. I remembered that ants secrete formic acid, so it was pretty easy to browse through the «form-» entries in the dictionary. My first guess was «formicide» but the Dashboard Dictionary Widget says «formicicide.»
I like “formicate” and
I like “formicate” and “formication” because you can use them in public and everybody thinks you are talking dirty. Sort of like calling a girl a thespian. Formicate is “crawling on the ground like an ant” and formication is the sensation that ants are crawling on you when they are not.