
To bury or entomb, usually a dead body.

Yeah, that’s what I thought the word was. But in Michael Ledeen’s June 12th (what time zone is he in, any­way? my watch says it’s only the eleventh) opin­ion piece in the Wall Street Jour­nal, «Iran’s Rev­o­lu­tion Has Only Just Begun,» he writes,

Lead­ers called for a mas­sive turnout to cel­e­brate the Islam­ic Repub­lic, and they bragged that mil­lions of sup­port­ers would come to the Tehran ceme­tery where Khome­ini’s remains are interned

WSJ 12 June 2012

I under­stand that being an unpaid intern may some­times feel like being locked in a tomb, but it is my hope that Mr Ledeen is so long from hav­ing had to intern that any such mem­o­ries are no longer affect­ing his choice of words.

My guess is that this will be cor­rect­ed before the dead­tree edi­tion of tomor­row’s Jour­nal goes to press.