silver tabby cat lying on white textile




My goal this year is to have a post to Mono­chro­mat­ic Out­look every day, which might sound good but you also might end up with a bunch of vocab items. I have a back­log of words that I’ve had to look up but which have not yet made it to the data­base. I’ll try not to rely too heav­i­ly on these as dai­ly filler, but I’m mak­ing no guarantees.

About soporif­ic, I’m embar­rassed to say I wrote down the word but I did not write down the source. So I have no back­sto­ry except that I read it and looked it up. I have a vague rec­ol­lec­tion that I encoun­tered it in anoth­er con­text very soon after I looked it up, but it’s all hazy.

So this might be a filler post, but it’s a good word which was new to me some­time in 2010. Hope­ful­ly it’ll be use­ful to you as well.