Picking up the pace

6.0 miles today, the far­thest I’ve ever run. And I did it in 56:52. I paid atten­tion to my heartrate, but those last two miles were real tough for me and I was up to 180 for most of it. I kept my heartrate clos­er to 160 for the first two miles but it got pro­gres­sive­ly more chal­leng­ing from there.

I have to be care­ful about this ten­den­cy to think a run “does­n’t count” unless I run far­ther than I have before. I enjoy push­ing my lim­its, but I need to build con­sis­tan­cy, not injure myself with run­ning heroics.

I’m find­ing that run­ning is a great time to think about stuff. That might not be the best aspect actu­al­ly, because I’m already too good at cook­ing up spu­ri­ous crap in my head.

My new prob­lem? Chafing.

Ow. I can take the blis­ters, but chaf­ing is real­ly lame.

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