…but I can’t hide

5.25 miles, 53:53. Took 3 min­utes off of the first time I ran this course. That makes me feel real good. I also kept a close eye on my heartrate, tried to stay down clos­er to 165, but I did catch myself up at 170 and even 175.

I’m notic­ing that there are a cou­ple spe­cif­ic events at which I have to check my heartrate: when I pass by a beau­ti­ful woman, and even more so when I am passed by a beau­ti­ful woman. Those are the times when I have to make a con­scious effort to slow down.

But still, stay­ing with­in the same heartrate para­me­ters and improv­ing my time by three min­utes feels pret­ty damn good. Could be in part because my legs weren’t as fried as they were Monday.

Embar­cadero is a nice route.

3 Replies to “…but I can’t hide”

  1. Yes it is. Glad I’ve had a
    Yes it is. Glad I’ve had a day to sleep on it. She’s sent me a cou­ple more emails too and I’m actu­al­ly look­ing for­ward to din­ner tonight. I’m real­ly curi­ous to see how her behav­ior toward me does or does not change since the last time I saw her.

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