I can breathe! (sort of)

The pack­ing is out of one side of my nose. It did feel a bit like hav­ing my brains pulled out my nose, but it was over pret­ty fast. The ban­dages and out­er brace are still on my nose, and I still have my nose in a sling to keep the blood from seep­ing all over. Sor­ry if that’s more detail than you want­ed. Bot­tom line is that my nose is still kin­da full of… ahem… humors. Should clear up pret­ty quick.

The right side has some sort of biodegrad­able pack­ing and I guess it’s been clear­ing up ever since I walked out of the hos­pi­tal. Appar­ent­ly there are stitch­es inside my nose made of the same stuff. Weird.

I ran a few errands while I was out; I got sham­poo from the health nut store that sells it to me in bulk, and bought a sec­ond, small­er bot­tle for it so I can keep my sham­poo here at home and have anoth­er bot­tle to take to the gym. Also went over to my old neigh­bor­hood to buy cof­fee from my old fave cof­feeshop. I was sad­dened to learn that they no longer have their old house blend, but I bought a pound of what they have now. I guess you real­ly can’t ever go home again, eh?

The biggest drag so far today was wait­ing around at Wal­greens to pick up the refill on my painkillers. I’d rather not have to take them at all, but it’s coun­ter­pro­duc­tive to try to heal while cop­ing with pain, so for the moment I’m just shut­ting up and let­ting the pills take my brain away. I napped on the bus a few times today and I’ll prob­a­bly take anoth­er nap real soon. Fun­ny how these pills aren’t the guar­an­teed par­ty that I remem­ber them to be. Grant­ed that they make me feel pret­ty good, but most­ly I just want to sleep. I guess in the old days I would have washed down a hand­ful with some gin rather than tak­ing one every three or four hours. Sup­pose that might make a difference.

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