I can breathe! (sort of)
The packing is out of one side of my nose. It did feel a bit like having my brains pulled out my nose, but it was over pretty fast. The bandages and outer brace are still on my nose, and I still have my nose in a sling to keep the blood from seeping all over. Sorry if that’s more detail than you wanted. Bottom line is that my nose is still kinda full of… ahem… humors. Should clear up pretty quick.
The right side has some sort of biodegradable packing and I guess it’s been clearing up ever since I walked out of the hospital. Apparently there are stitches inside my nose made of the same stuff. Weird.
I ran a few errands while I was out; I got shampoo from the health nut store that sells it to me in bulk, and bought a second, smaller bottle for it so I can keep my shampoo here at home and have another bottle to take to the gym. Also went over to my old neighborhood to buy coffee from my old fave coffeeshop. I was saddened to learn that they no longer have their old house blend, but I bought a pound of what they have now. I guess you really can’t ever go home again, eh?
The biggest drag so far today was waiting around at Walgreens to pick up the refill on my painkillers. I’d rather not have to take them at all, but it’s counterproductive to try to heal while coping with pain, so for the moment I’m just shutting up and letting the pills take my brain away. I napped on the bus a few times today and I’ll probably take another nap real soon. Funny how these pills aren’t the guaranteed party that I remember them to be. Granted that they make me feel pretty good, but mostly I just want to sleep. I guess in the old days I would have washed down a handful with some gin rather than taking one every three or four hours. Suppose that might make a difference.