Exhausted at 10:30AM

I had for­got­ten how much more tir­ing work­ing is than stay­ing at home and put­ter­ing around. I haven’t even been here for two hours and I’m beat. Ready to call it a day. Not ready for lunch, mind you. Ready to go home and take a nap.

My body is still tap­ping a lot of my ener­gy to heal, I guess. That’s a good thing. But i keep on for­get­ting things and I’m mov­ing at about half speed. It’s a damn good thing it’s Friday.

Late­ly the Buz­zcocks’ Ever Fall­en in Love has been tak­ing space in my head. I remem­ber dis­cov­er­ing what a pret­ty song it was (although Fine Young Can­ni­bals’ ver­sion) when Vik­ki and I were first dat­ing. I remem­ber won­der­ing if I should take it as an omen, but I looked for oth­er signs that falling head-over-teaket­tle for her might be a bad idea and did­n’t (want to?) see any. Wish I’d tak­en my sub­con­scious’s advice.

Unpleas­ant: I keep on dis­lodg­ing raisin-sized pieces of dried blood and mucous from my nose and it helps my breath­ing for a few min­utes. It’s real­ly amaz­ing how much air I can move through my nose now, when it’s clear. Unfor­tu­nate­ly so far that has­n’t been very much. I can’t seem to drink enough water either. I’ve been down­ing it by the bot­tle­ful and my lips are still parched.

I’m look­ing for­ward to two days of rel­a­tive rest, if I can just get through anoth­er few hours here at work.

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