Picking up the pace
6.0 miles today, the farthest I’ve ever run. And I did it in 56:52. I paid attention to my heartrate, but those last two miles were real tough for me and I was up to 180 for most of it. I kept my heartrate closer to 160 for the first two miles but it got progressively more challenging from there.
I have to be careful about this tendency to think a run “doesn’t count” unless I run farther than I have before. I enjoy pushing my limits, but I need to build consistancy, not injure myself with running heroics.
I’m finding that running is a great time to think about stuff. That might not be the best aspect actually, because I’m already too good at cooking up spurious crap in my head.
My new problem? Chafing.
Ow. I can take the blisters, but chafing is really lame.