Remind me of this

Church & Mar­ket. Pret­ty soon this will be my neigh­bor­hood, or close enough any­way. It’s been a rough week at work and I don’t real­ly expect tomor­row to be any eas­i­er. But I’ve spent some time enjoy­ing what my city has to offer. What will soon be walk­ing dis­tance of home has good food and cof­fee shops where peo­ple I know are hang­ing out, hav­ing cof­fee and smok­ing cig­a­rettes, plan­ning their weekends.

The air is warm, the sky is clear, and my God the women are beau­ti­ful. Prob­a­bly not a one of them is into men, but I’m into look­ing toward the light side of life right this moment. All I’m doing is look­ing, so a lot of the rest does­n’t matter.

There are times, I know, when I for­get that life can be like this. There are times when my trou­bles seem to eclipse my bless­ings and it does­n’t seem like it will change. Tomor­row I could be look­ing at the beau­ti­ful women spite­ful because they’re out of my league, or whatever.

When you see me like that, remind me of today. Remind me of slog­ging through lines of code that won’t com­pile all day and still being hap­py with life. Remind me that the good times fol­low the bad as sure­ly as the bad times fol­low the good.

And maybe, if you see me in that kind of mood, take me to Mud­dy’s where we’ll drink cof­fee and watch the cute les­bians walk on by.

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