The future will blow my mind

So yeah, this is the best song lyric to be stuck in my head for a long damn time. So full of opti­mism and promise. Yes, what lies ahead is unpre­dictable, but maybe what’s about to explode all over us is good beyond what we know. In fact, just for a moment, I’m CONVINCED that I have no idea what great things are wait­ing for me. Why? Because

The Future Will Blow My Mind.

But the future will not just blow my mind. The future will blow your mind, too. You don’t know how good it can get. Hang in there with me, baby. Or stick with me when we meet. Because it does­n’t mat­ter how much you resist, the world will be so much bet­ter than you can imagine.

The Future Will Blow Your Mind—Simon Stinger

5 Replies to “The future will blow my mind”

  1. Yes! Cool song from one of
    Yes! Cool song from one of my all-time fave albums.

    But this is even bet­ter than ros­es. Don’t get me wrong, ros­es are damn cool. But ros­es don’t blow your mind. I con­tend that the future will.

    “One of Our Sub­marines” always makes me think of Neil Adams-era X‑Men, with the orig­i­nal X‑Men fight­ing the Sen­tinels in glo­ri­ous late-six­ties adver­tise­ment illus­tra­tion style. “Gold­en Age of Wire­less” is one of those albums that’s marked indeli­bly in my soul.

  2. Actu­al­ly, the lack of meds
    Actu­al­ly, the lack of meds prob­a­bly accounts for all the play­time on the mood swingset. I’m learn­ing non-chem­i­cal cop­ing mech­a­nisms that should be handy whether I return to meds or not. But I’ve got­ten so far from med­ical super­vi­sion that the meds aren’t real­ly help­ful. I think it was you who point­ed out to me that meds minus talk is pret­ty inef­fec­tive. At some point I’ll get a pro­fes­sion­al “some­one to talk to” and con­sid­er rein­tro­duc­ing chem­i­cal help, but with­out that pro­fes­sion­al super­vi­sion or at least hav­ing had some pro­fes­sion­al super­vi­sion in the past cou­ple years the meds weren’t real­ly all that help­ful and may have been counterproductive.

    So, you know, I may still get into moods where I’ll need to be tak­en to Mud­dy’s to watch the cute les­bians walk on by. I’m count­ing on my friends to help out with that. =^)

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