
Where do you fall on the lib­er­al — con­ser­v­a­tive polit­i­cal spec­trum? (Unit­ed States)

brought to you by Quizil­la

Just remem­ber that by San Fran­cis­co-Berke­ley stan­dards, I’m a right-wing fas­cist. OK, maybe just a mod­er­ate fas­cist. But cer­tain­ly far enough to the right of cen­ter in SF pol­i­tics to gen­er­al­ly avoid telling any of my close friends who I vote for.

3 Replies to “Haw!”

  1. The left­ies are the
    The left­ies are the polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment around here, and they act like it: pay­ing as much atten­tion to pro­tect­ing their pow­er base as to fur­ther­ing their stat­ed ideals, etc. Rather unbecoming.

    My girl­friend went to see Fahren­heit 9/11 with a friend, because I had no inter­est in it. He knew right away why I did­n’t want to go: “because he’s anti-estab­lish­ment [me, not Moore].”

    I def­i­nite­ly pre­fer liv­ing here over places where con­ser­vatism is the estab­lish­ment, because here, at least the ideas that peo­ple swal­low with­out real­ly think­ing about them are ones that I agree with.

    I have an ego thing about hav­ing come to lib­er­al­ism the hard way. I was raised as an Eisenhower/Nixon/Ford Repub­li­can (though one might not think so, dif­fer­ent, oh so dif­fer­ent from the Gold­wa­ter/Rea­gan/Bush-Bush variety).

    By the time of the first pres­i­den­tial elec­tion I par­tic­i­pat­ed in, 1980, I had used my intel­lect and moral com­pass to become a John Ander­son sup­port­er. Yep, I’ve been “throw­ing away my vote” on 3rd party/independent can­di­dates from the very begin­ning. Ander­son in 1980, Nad­er in 2000, if the Democ­rats throw up a los­er like Gore, I won’t vote for them just because they’re Not Republican.

    Ker­ry will prob­a­bly get me this year, unless he shows him­self to be unworthy.

  2. At this point, I’d pret­ty
    At this point, I’d pret­ty much have to find out Ker­ry is one of the Lizard Peo­ple for him not to get my vote. And actu­al­ly, being bred for food isn’t that much worse that what we get from Bush, so maybe hav­ing a Lizard Per­son for Pres­i­dent would be kin­da cool.

    See, that’s what’s amus­ing. I’m still to the right of cen­ter in Bay Area pol­i­tics, because I have to stop and think about whether I’d rather have Bush for four more years or be bred for food for the Lizard Peo­ple. If I wee real­ly a True Believ­er it would be ANYONE but Bush 2004.

    BTW, did­n’t the elder Bush real­ly fit in more with the Ike/Nixon/Ford group than the Goldwater/Reagan/Dubya set?

    I met John Ander­son in 1980. Yay me.

    I, too, still haven’t seen F/911. I’m more inter­est­ed in find­ing out about stuff that I’m unde­cid­ed about, or view­points in oppo­si­tion to mine. The ser­mons are kind of tedious from the choirbox.

  3. “BTW, did­n’t the elder Bush
    “BTW, did­n’t the elder Bush real­ly fit in more with the Ike/Nixon/Ford group than the Goldwater/Reagan/Dubya set?”

    He did at one time, before he sold his soul to Satan. That’s one of the rea­sons he’s such a sad case. In 1980, when he was run­ning in the pri­maries against Rea­gan, he was a sup­port­er of repro­duc­tive free­dom, and pret­ty much tried to char­ac­ter­ize his main oppo­nent as a whacko.

    When Ron­nie’s han­dlers offered him the run­ning mate slot, his deci­sion was either uphold his (I’ll give him the ben­e­fit of the doubt and say “true”) val­ues and prob­a­bly fade into obscu­ri­ty, or recant some very impor­tant things (remem­ber, he’s the one who called Rea­gan’s eco­nom­ics “voodoo”) and get to be Vice Pres­i­dent, and then maybe President.

    As Pink Floyd put it, he exchanged his walk-on part in the war for a lead­ing role in the cage.

    Part of the hor­ror of 1980.

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