
thanks to Paul Kienitz for this poll.…

I am:

“You’re a damn Com­mie!  Where’s Tail­gun­ner Joe when we need him?” 

Are You A Republican?

I wish I knew what it means. Am I a ‑1 Repub­li­can on a score of 1 to 10? or ‑1 to +1? Or ‑10 to +10? I was kind of guess­ing that I was more like sqrt(-1) Repub­li­can, but, well, whatever.

EDIT: Some set­ting I had was pre­vent­ing the per­cent­age sign. Now I see what that was.

6 Replies to “Republicratarian”

  1. “I wish I knew what it

    “I wish I knew what it means. Am I a ‑1 Repub­li­can on a score of 1 to 10? or ‑1 to +1? Or ‑10 to +10?”

    There is a per­cent sign there, that ought to tell you something.

  2. Sev­en years lat­er: looks like Dad was right

    I appear to have got­ten more con­ser­v­a­tive with age.

    I am:

    “Con­grat­u­la­tions, you’re a swing vot­er. When they say ‘Soc­cer Mom’, they mean you. Every Demo­c­ra­t­ic ad on the TV set was made just for your view­ing enjoy­ment. Don’t you feel spe­cial?”

    Are You A Republican?
  3. Beau­ti­ful.….….….…..

    One more point, I too resent and am baf­fled as to how some peo­ple on pub­lic assis­tance can buy the iphones, the state of the art TV, and a web­book. I am just as baf­fled as to how some east­ern Euro­pean immi­grants also on pub­lic assis­tance can wear mink coats to the gro­cery store with dia­mond and amethyst rings on their fin­gers pay for their gro­ceries with food stamps and live in lux­u­ry high rise apart­ments build­ings wit door­men and received Medicaid(a gov­ern­ment run health insurance).


    http://free –


    1. Hard to take spam seri­ous­ly
      I was­n’t sure whether to take seri­ous­ly your com­ments about wide­spread enti­tle­ments fraud in the US until I saw that your post is a thin­ly-veiled attempt to use my blog as a link farm to boost your web­site. The link has been disabled. 

      As to your claim that there are wel­fare queens liv­ing high on the tax­pay­er’s backs, per­haps it’s true in some cas­es but I’d rec­om­mend you look at the recent Fox News report on the sub­ject. It con­tained the damn­ing evi­dence that 96% of the poor have a refrig­er­a­tor in their place of res­i­dence. You can take away any oth­er con­clu­sions you like from their fig­ures; I don’t think Fox News is inclined to min­i­mize wel­fare abuse in their exposé on the subject.

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