Where’s hammerhead when you need him?

I hate to have to drop a $20 bill to get to work, all the more so when the only per­son to blame is myself for over­sleep­ing. Oh well, at least I’m sleep­ing again. But when I final­ly flag down a taxi, I expect the cab­bie to actu­al­ly know how to get from the Cas­tro to Fish­er­man’s Wharf.

Hon­est­ly, I have no idea whether tak­ing Franklin would be faster than some oth­er option. I just know that a car will get me there faster than the bus. I expect a cab dri­ver to actu­al­ly know how to get from point A to point B in this city. Sure, not every­one has all the short­cuts, but AAAAARGH. This is from one com­mon des­ti­na­tion to another.

Well, he got me here in 20 min­utes, which left me only 10 min­utes late to work, and that’s 40 min­utes faster than tak­ing the bus would have been. It’s time for me to wind up the alarm clock again. I seri­ous­ly can’t afford a $20/day trans­porta­tion habit at this point.

2 Replies to “Where’s hammerhead when you need him?”

  1. I was at home drink­ing
    I was at home drink­ing coffee.

    Which way did he go? Franklin? Or were you wish­ing he’d tak­en Franklin? That’s most like­ly what I would have done. Market>Franklin>North Point>etc.

    But if Franklin super-sucked, I’d prob­a­bly have giv­en up on it and shot over to Larkin or Leav­en­worth or even Taylor.

  2. He went Mar­ket to Franklin.
    He went Mar­ket to Franklin. If I’d picked him up point­ed north­bound on Cas­tro, Divisidaro to some­thing like Bush to Franklin might have been bet­ter, but a U‑Turn from the mid­dle late south­bound on Cas­tro at mar­ket is not only ille­gal, it’s just insane.

    What both­ered me was not so much that he picked the wrong route; the route was fine. I even like it when cab­bies ask me how I want to go. It gives me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tell them I’m in a hur­ry. I said what I usu­al­ly say: “what­ev­er’s fastest.”

    This time there was a long pause and final­ly he said, “no, real­ly, I don’t know which way to go.”

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