Post-work run

I ran my Fort Mason-Mari­na Green run yes­ter­day after work. It was a beau­ti­ful after­noon and I real­ly need­ed both the release after a dif­fi­cult week and the reminder that in fact I do enjoy run­ning. It’s been too long since I’ve run and hope­ful­ly this is the start of get­ting back into the groove. I ran 5.4 miles in 55:39, dis­ap­point­ing on one hand because last year I was record­ing some much faster times. Encour­ag­ing on the oth­er hand because 5.4 miles is more than I would rec­om­mend to a begin­ner, and while slow, I did the route. And that’s what counts in my mind: just get­ting out and doing it.

Besides, I’ll have plen­ty of time to get fast again.

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