50bookchallenge 18/50: The Moto Guzzi Story, Ian Falloon
Not recommended for anyone who isn’t fascinated by motorcycles, this well-researched and photographed coffeetable book is hard to read only because there are so many photos of beautiful motorcycles distracting from the text at every turn of the page.
Falloon presents a surprisingly evenhanded overview of the history of the Italian motorcycle company, but betrays his love for the Moto Guzzi on occasion with words like “unfortunate” and the occasional aesthetic judgment. It’s always clear where he thinks a bike is ugly rather than just not well-received by the public.
What’s surprising to me is how little pull I feel toward the older models. I love the V7 Sport, which is the distant ancestor of my own California Stone, but so many of the motorcycles from the 70s and 80s, and even the 90s exhibit too many squared plastic corners to generate any interest in me.
It’s sort of a coffeetable book and was lent to me by the owner of Subterranean Cycles here in SF. It is full of text though and in addition to looking at all the pretty pictures, I did go from cover to cover. Now that I’m done with it, I’ll have to give it back. But that’s OK, I’m sure that there are other motorcycle books for me to read!
“…was lent to me by the
”…was lent to me by the owner of Subterranean Cycles here in SF.”
SubCycles is a kickass place.
I was about to buy a Husaberg from them till I decided that would be INSANE and I would probably kill myself. I feel bad for not buying it because the guy I talked to was so awesome. I will probably give him the biz to work on my KTM though.
I will buy a Husaberg in a year or two when I have more disposable income + garage space heh.
yeah, i read all the way
yeah, i read all the way back through your entries till i found out what kind of Guzzi you rode . . 😉 . . i just love the Cali Stone! what year is yours? you have the flat paint? I’ve been looking at the new Nevada’s . . even tho they are still a bit too tall for me . . 🙁 . . (i actually dont quite ride yet, but come this february i will! buying my first bike then! and i cant wait!) . . but i have rode nearly 5000 miles since memorial weekend, on the back of a Moto Guzzi California Stone! (hope you dont mind, but i added you to my freinds list . . anyone that rides a Guzzi and writes about it, well . . i wanna read about it!
Welcome! Of course it’s
Welcome! Of course it’s fine. We can all use more friends, right? =^)
Mine is a 2004, black with a tan stripe on the top of the gas tank. Here:
Kind of a funny angle, but you can see the color.
I’ve ridden almost 7000 miles since I bought the Stone, about a week before Memorial Day, but less than two hundred of those miles with a passenger.
I considered the Nevada, but the CA Stone actually rides a little lower. The Nevada felt too tall for me. Also, I’m really glad to have the extra power. The Breva does really well with the 750cc engine, but I think it’s a much lighter bike than the Nevada. Not really sure about that…
I’m now infatuated with the V11 Café Sport, but I’m afraid that it won’t be as comfortable for a passenger and more afraid that it won’t be as comfortable for me. I like the high handlebar position of the Stone. Staying upright like that keeps my back from killing me. I rode a friend’s VFR recently, and even that hurt my back. I fear that the Café Sport would be the same.
Anyhow howdy! It’s a pleasure to make your aquainance!
well i can touch toes to the
well i can touch toes to the ground on the Nevada, with a seat height of 30″ . . can barely touch toes with one foot on the Stone . . but the pegs, both front and passenger, are a lot lower on the Stone . .maybe that is what makes it feel like it rides lower . .
my options are limited as to what bike i can ride . . i need a seat height of 27″ or lower . . i’m such a shorty 😉 . . but i’m told the V50 would fit me . . but . . never see them . . 🙁 . . so i’m buying a Honda Rebel . . nice and light for my first bike, affordable for my first bike . . short enough for my first bike . . i’m so very excited!
The Stone’s seat is actually
The Stone’s seat is actually at least an inch and a half lower, but the bike is wider, which makes it harder to comfortably flat-foot. However, it means that you can flat foot one side with less lean than a taller but narrower bike. I can flatfoot both sides of the Stone only if I take my butt off the seat, but I don’t think I can flatfoot both feet on a Nevada at all.
Just another factor to consider.
That Rebel is real light and small. If you’re used to doing a lot of riding you might be better served by a bigger bike, maybe one of the smaller Shadows? The Rebel is similar in power and weight to my Virago, which I outgrew in a matter of a couple months. I guess it also depends on the terrain where you ride, too.
(psst! Come on, you know you want a Guzzi! Get one of those old V7 Sports! OK, only if you have a good mechanic LOL)
well let me tell ya . . i
well let me tell ya . . i have no shortage of Guzzi mechanics where i live! . . there’s a Guzzi dealer right down the street from where i work . . i hang out there quite often, just chilling with the guys at the shop . . there’s just this huge group of people (regulars) that are always up there and they all just know so much about Guzzis . . it’s amazing . .
what i would really love is an old Ambassador . . or Eldorado . . damn, i love those bikes . . i can almost reach on those! haha . .
yeah, i’ve got a lot of miles under my butt, but it’s all only been as a passenger . . never the operator . . i’m perfectly happy starting out with a little 250 Rebel . . i dont need alot of power . . at least not rihgt at the get-go . . i’d like to work my way up . . besides, i’ve talk to a lot of people who have ridden thier Rebels all over the country . . no reason i couldnt neither! the guys are always talking about this guy that rode his 250 something or other, or his 350 honda all the way to wherever . . cause no one told him he couldnt! so . . why not on a Rebel? 🙂
yeah, i figure around town, day trips, maybe a rally here and there, my Rebel will suit me just fine . .
actually, you know what else i fit on? a BMW R/27 …oh baby! how sweet would that be!! yeah, i have a thing for them old bikes . . just so totaly awesome! but try finding one of them! you need to rob a bank anymore to afford one that’s ready to ride . . 🙁
but i’m totally geeked to even be getting my first bike! it’s gonna open up a whole new world for me . . i just cannot wait!
Ooooh, an Ambo! Yum!
Ooooh, an Ambo! Yum!
Yeah, you can ride a Rebel 250 anywhere. And you’ll love it. I’m not trying to rain on your parade. I’m just sharing my experience with my Virago 250, which is a similar small but great bike. If you ride enough, you’ll outgrow that bike fast. Having more power at your disposal helps you be agile and responsive and helps you through the corners. Your experience may be different from mine, but I bought a bike too small and replaced it with a liter bike in under three months. If I’d gotten a Ducati Monster 620 instead, I’d probably still be riding it.
Also, I think that riding a bigger bike will force you to learn better handling skills and make you a better rider. I have a friend who got his wife a 1400cc Harley as a starter bike and only later got her a 50cc scooter for around town.
Again, I’m not trying to put a damper on your enthusiasm. But if you live among great Guzzi mechanics, why not go for your dream bike instead of selling yourself short for a bike that will get you started. You can handle a bigger bike for certain. You can certainly go across country on a Rebel – make it to San Francisco and I’ll buy you a tasty beverage – but I think you’ll do it more happily on a bigger bike.
well, it’s not just the
well, it’s not just the smaller engine size that i like . . honestly, it’s not realy the engine size at all the concerns me . . it’s the seat height . . anything over a 27 inch seat height is just to tall for me! . .
but i will own a Guzzi one day . . i check out MY Nevada everytime i go up to the bike shop!! i touch it and feel it . .and sit on it . . and try try try to reach the ground . . 😉 LOL . . now the mechanic there says that he can lower the Nevada 3 inches, no problem . . might lose some of the suspension in the back . . but then again, he couild switch out the rear shocks and get some of it back . .
so you’re thinking, why not just buy the Nevada 750, right? . . well . . 2 reasons . . 1) being an expereinced rider and being an expereinced passenger are 2 completely different things . . i know i dont want to start with a 750 . . as much as i love that bike . .love it . . it’s just not practical for me right now . . and 2) Moto Guzzi Nevada 750 = $8,000 / Honda Rebel 250 = $2900 … yeah . . BIG difference . .
i did consider ebay’ing it and looking for a Honda Rebel 450 . . but . . well, they only made those ’86 and ’87 . . so every single one of them would be 20 years old . . used/old bikes = more potential for problems . . and idiots on ebay have driven the price up on those to ridiculous numbers . . trying to sell them as “collectors bikes” …give me a break! LOL . .
so i’m pretty damn happy to be getting my little White Honda Rebel . . it’s gonna be sweet . .
and trust me . . there’s nothing you can say that could rain on my parade!!!! especially when you tempt me with tasty beverage should i take up the challenge of a cross country trip on my new found love! 😉
(oh, by the way . . speaking of cross country, when i went to the Moto Guzzi National Rally this past memorial weekend, there was a woman there who rode her Breva there (west virgina) all the way from California . . by herself . . her husband? he flew in . . how awesome is that! . .yeah, she’s my hero! LOL)
You mean Alice Sexton? On my =^)
You mean Alice Sexton? On my friends page as a syndicated link:
that would be her! i think
that would be her! i think that is just awesome!