Another Friday night…

It’s weird being home on a Fri­day night. Weird because it does­n’t seem like that long ago that it would have been weird for me to be out on a Fri­day night.

I’ve had two sec­ond dates recent­ly. Not sure if there will be any third dates, although I think there’s a good like­li­hood of see­ing at least one of them again. Maybe both, who knows? Either way it’s time for me to start look­ing for first dates again.

So what on Earth do I do with myself on a Fri­day night? I’ll have to check and see if Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca is on. I missed the sea­son ender, so I do want to catch some reruns. I’d like to make some head­way on the 50bookchallenge too.… I’m so far behind that I think I need to find some books that I start­ed and nev­er fin­ished and plow my way through them. Can I real­ly read 26 books in eight weeks? Not likely.

And draw­ing! Must get my pens out.

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