50bookchallenge #25/50 Logan’s Search, William F. Nolan
I picked this to pad my total. I didn’t think I’d like it much, and I was right. The Logan books are pulp at their corniest.
It’s kind of sad that Nolan got so desperate for story ideas that he resorted to an “trapped on an alternate Earth” plot, but the amusing part is reading the introduction where he waxes verbose (not calling it eloquent) about how important the Logan Trilogy is for the ideas contained.
Well, Logan is always better than all his opponents, and still always surrenders to each villain’s demand to go questing and adventuring to get something for them. The Logan of the novels is easily one of the least resourceful, least clever, most uninteresting characters I’ve ever read.
Further, I just can’t stand reading the flimsy moral justifications he constantly slaps himself with. “he loved Jess and Jess only, but if he didn’t have sex with the beautiful citizen, the other Sandmen might suspect something was awry.” “Logan despised hallucinogenic drugs, but if he were going to get back to his own Earth.…”
Ugh. Well, it was a quick read and now I’m halfway through my reading goal. Heh.
And thanks to
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