I made a pictchur

So today at the Inten­sive Out­pa­tient Pro­gram we had Art Ther­a­py. We were sup­posed to draw some­thing rep­re­sent­ing the theme “com­pas­sion.” Well, my art needs some ther­a­py; I’ve been frus­trat­ed over my seem­ing com­plete inabil­i­ty to put pen and paper. I’ve been total­ly blocked and hon­est­ly ter­ri­fied of drawing.

So today I made a pret­ty bad pen­cil draw­ing. After the ses­sion, the art ther­a­pist said that I showed some skill and asked me if I’d ever con­sid­ered work­ing in art. Well, yeah, actu­al­ly, I have, haven’t I?

It’s a lit­tle embar­rass­ing to have my first draw­ing in months be a bad­ly-ren­dered art ther­a­py assign­ment. It makes me think maybe I should put the darn thing on the refrig­er­a­tor with mag­nets and sign it in cray­on. But at least it’s some sort of a start.

4 Replies to “I made a pictchur”

  1. “It’s a lit­tle embar­rass­ing
    “It’s a lit­tle embar­rass­ing to have my first draw­ing in months be a bad­ly-ren­dered art ther­a­py assignment.”

    That was sin­gled out for praise by your art therapist.…

    “at least it’s some sort of a start.”


  2. Well, no, it real­ly was­n’t
    Well, no, it real­ly was­n’t all that good, but that’s fine. Part of my fear is that I’m so out of prac­tice that I can’t make good art­work any­more, and it’s part of the real­i­ty of my sit­u­a­tion that I am out of prac­tice and it will take some prac­tice to get the feel for it again. Of course, if I’m so afraid of see­ing that out-of-prac­tice work, I’ll nev­er get the prac­tice. There is, as they say, only one catch. =^)

    So part of what I need to do is see square­ly what areas I need to improve. That there was some illus­tra­tive qual­i­ty to it I don’t doubt but what I real­ly need right now is to see more of my bad drawings.

  3. Sounds like a good time to
    Sounds like a good time to explore what it means to do some­thing that’s oth­er than A+. Is that unac­cept­able? Why? Who says so?

    Some­times I find that if it HAS TO BE PERFECT it ain’t nev­er gonna get done ’cause noth­ing’s tru­ly per­fect. Which lets me off the hook of hav­ing to do it.…


    P.S. Glad you’re drawing!

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