Seeing Double?

Some­where along the way I got the crazy idea to do a self-por­trait. Most­ly I want­ed to have some­thing rep­re­sen­ta­tive of my work on this page. I like the stark black and white tem­plate that I use, but it seems a lit­tle too dry. I want­ed to include some­thing that reflects my love for the con­trast of black and white lines. That’s what I do, after all. I don’t like the black and white tem­plate because I like things that are bor­ing, I like it because it goes with my linework. So I should have some linework in the tem­plate. And since this is basi­cal­ly my own edi­to­r­i­al page, it should be my face on the page.

The temp­ta­tion to go back in is like­ly to come up, but for now I think I’m done. Those of you who may be look­ing here reg­u­lar­ly may have already noticed the pro­gres­sion as I placed unfin­ished ver­sions in the tem­plate over the last few days. If you missed them, here are the inter­im versions:


They say that self-por­trai­ture can lead to self-dis­cov­ery. Well, I dis­cov­ered that I get lines all over my face when I smile.

2 Replies to “Seeing Double?”

  1. Susan and I agree you look
    Susan and I agree you look younger in per­son. Although the eyes are very good, we feel you exag­ger­at­ed the nose. (I have liked all the eyes you have done.) We think the inter­im sketch on the left gives a good impres­sion of what you might look like when you are 70.

    We are also tick­led that you are once again reg­u­lar­ly putting pen on paper.

    I hope the whiskers look bet­ter IRL than in the pic­ture, or at least that the lady or ladies in your life like them. I don’t, but that may just be envy because I have nev­er been able to grow that much hair on my face.


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