In Remembrance

Mount Davidson CrossToday is Armen­ian Remem­brance Day, a day set aside in mem­o­ry of the Armen­ian geno­cide by the Turks most­ly dur­ing World War I.

Pres­i­dent Bush made a state­ment today stat­ing «there can­not be rec­on­cil­i­a­tion until there is truth telling» but stopped short of using the word «geno­cide.» The gov­ern­ment in Ankara still insists that there was no geno­cide, but his­to­ri­ans gen­er­al­ly agree that the Turk­ish slaugh­ter of Arme­ni­ans was the first geno­cide of the Twen­ti­eth Century.

Here in San Fran­cis­co, the Mount David­son Cross has been ded­i­cat­ed as a memo­r­i­al to the Arme­ni­ans. Some have crit­i­cized this as a trans­par­ent attempt to keep a reli­gious mon­u­ment in the City, as the Cross and the land sur­round­ing it was sold to the Coun­cil of Armen­ian Amer­i­can Orga­ni­za­tions of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia to deflect a law­suit by Amer­i­can Athe­ists, Inc. demand­ing that the Cross, which was on City prop­er­ty, be torn down. The Amer­i­can Athe­ists web­site describes the Cross as «The 103 foot dis­re­gard for the first amendment.»(sic)

Per­son­al­ly, I think Amer­i­can Athe­ists, Inc. are a bunch of wingnuts. I mean, let’s say they’re right; why screw up the place­bo effect for all the poor suck­ers who believe in God? Any­how, that’s beside the point.

My sec­ond thought on the sub­ject is that it’s impor­tant to remem­ber the Armen­ian Geno­cide. If a 103-foot cross on top of Mount David­son is good enough for the CAAONC then let them have it. Nor­mal­ly I would think a recy­cled mon­u­ment is a lit­tle bit tacky, but in this case, they get prime place­ment and a mon­u­ment with his­toric sig­nif­i­cance. Lots of peo­ple vis­it the cross every day, and if even a few of them get a lit­tle edu­ca­tion about his­to­ry, I call that a Good Thing.

Here’s why I’m so pas­sion­ate about this: Hitler said, in jus­ti­fi­ca­tion of his Final Solu­tion, «who, today, remem­bers the Arme­ni­ans?» I can think of no bet­ter illus­tra­tion of the old saw that those who don’t remem­ber his­to­ry are doomed to repeat it. Of course, the Armen­ian Geno­cide should be remem­bered sim­ply for what it was, but to me it also serves as a poignant reminder of the con­se­quences of will­ful igno­rance of atroc­i­ty. For­get the past and not only will we repeat it, but our for­get­ting will be used as an excuse for some­thing just as bad but on a grander scale.

Car Chase from BullittFinal­ly, to end on a lighter note, the Cross should remain not for any reli­gious sig­nif­i­cance, but for his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance. It’s a San Fran­cis­co land­mark, like Coit Tow­er or the Gold­en Gate Bridge. Dirty Har­ry first encoun­tered the Scor­pio Killer at the base of the Mount David­son Cross. Tear­ing it down would be a total­ly dif­fer­ent kind of sac­ri­lege than the kind the Amer­i­can Athe­ists are inter­est­ed in. My rule of thumb is this: Any San Fran­cis­co land­mark to appear onscreen with Clint East­wood or Steve McQueen stays.

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