Overdid it but made it all the way home

Today’s run: 5.33 miles in a slug­gish 1:09:53. I’m dis­ap­point­ed not so much in the final time, but in how hard I hit the wall while I was out there. The sun was beat­ing down and sure felt hot­ter than the 70 degrees my weath­er wid­get says it is.

I went out and around Mays Field, which was fun because there was a game at the time. I heard Rich Aure­lia (I think) hit a home run from the oth­er side of Chi­na Basin, out by Mis­sion Rock Street, heard the crowd’s roar and watched the water spouts cel­e­brate the homer.

I got around the ball­park but was real­ly feel­ing worn down as I crossed the Lefty O’Doul draw­bridge. I pushed hard­er and ran through my men­tal bag of tricks to keep me going, but ran right out of ener­gy at about the four mile mark, com­ing past The Land­ing restau­ran­t’s entrance. I walked most of the way back up to the Twen­ti­eth Street Bridge and back Twen­ti­eth home. I resumed run­ning a cou­ple of times, but all but one block of the uphill sec­tions of Twen­ti­eth to the top of Potrero Hill I walked.

So jump­ing up to a five mile course from doing two-mile walks might have been over­am­bi­tious. But I got to see where my lim­its are, and the best way to raise those lim­its is to come up against them. And now I feel like I’m back in the game.

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