This Is Going To Hurt

I nev­er saw much of the Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca spin­off Galac­ti­ca 1980 when it was out. It came avail­able on iTunes recent­ly and I’m too much of a fan­boy to resist it, no mat­ter how bad I know it’s going to be.

It’s imme­di­ate­ly obvi­ous why some of the fan­boy faith­ful don’t con­sid­er Galac­ti­ca 1980 to be canon. This is sup­posed to take place thir­ty years after the orig­i­nal series, but as the title sug­gests, it takes place in the year 1980. Yet in the orig­i­nal series, they received a trans­mis­sion pur­port­ed­ly from Earth. Though only the view­ers ever saw the trans­mis­sion, it was clear­ly the land­ing at Tran­quil­i­ty Base. Thir­ty years plus 1969 is… not 1980.

Very amus­ing win­dow back to the Carter years. Pro­test­ers against nuclear pow­er march­ing around, smog in Los Ange­les (wait, that’s dif­fer­ent from today?) and the ten­sions of the Cold War. And all the bad TV dia­logue you can shake a stick at.

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