Falcon Stage Four or It Was A Dark and Stormy Nib
At this stage, I’m not necessarily done with the nib, but I’ve progressed far enough to be really cautious about doing any more that I already have. It’s time for me to turn my attentions to other areas. The end of the section is going to take a lot of ink, and I’m starting to have to get real serious about finalizing my composition. I have the basics in mind, but I’m weighing out some decisions and solutions that are non-obvious. Non-obvious to me, anyhow. Moving to another area of the drawing will help to clear out some of the questions. In this way, sometimes a drawing really just does grow over time.
Here you can see the beginnings of the pen in the background. Although it’s very faint some lettering is visible in the lower right of this piece. One of the problems I’ve not yet resolved is how to go about the lettering and signature. The others from this series all have the name of the pen model, date and signature. I’m thinking about doing something a little larger than I have with the others, especially since the focus of the pen itself is so much bigger than the others. None of the approaches I’ve tried has worked for me yet, so I keep on playing with it. Eventually I’ll settle on a treatment.
Great work tribute to an awesome nib
I really like what you’ve captured here, Steve. The nib just jumps out at you. Excellent capture of the gold gleam too. I like the rough sketch of the pen in the background; it gives very good dimension to the perspective. Great work! ~Gary
I do not have the knowledges that would allow me to appreciate this at its full value, but for my uneducated eye and simple mind this looks great.