Studio Progress

Visconti PencilsIt’s been a while since I pro­vid­ed a peek at what’s going on at my draw­ing table. There are a cou­ple rea­sons for that: first that I’ve been work­ing more on the lux­o­graph­ic prints, which requires a lot of work on the files at home. Sec­ond, and on an hour-by-hour basis prob­a­bly the big­ger rea­son, I’ve been hav­ing to pick up the income slack with more hours of Web­site devel­op­ment. For­tu­nate­ly the hours are there for me when I need them, but I haven’t spent a lot of time in the stu­dio in the last cou­ple weeks.

Today the Moto Guzzi is in the shop, and the shop is with­in walk­ing dis­tance of the stu­dio, so it pro­vid­ed a per­fect excuse to take a day in the stu­dio. I picked up this draw­ing, which I had roughed out quite some time ago. This is the first of the «Pens & Inks» series, or it would have been had I fin­ished it already.

The Vis­con­ti bot­tles are beau­ti­ful, if a bit unwieldy for com­mon use nowa­days. The design of the bot­tle makes it easy to get at the last bit of ink in the bot­tle, but also makes it very easy to tip the thing right over. I think the design is made to be used at a desk with an inkwell. And the last time I saw a desk with an inkwell (except maybe in a Lev­enger cat­a­log) was fourth grade at the lat­est. Still, it’s a thing of beau­ty and very nice if you can remem­ber to keep the cap on the bottle.

The pen shown is Rotring Mil­len­ni­um Edi­tion 1999. Rotring put out five Mil­len­ni­um Edi­tion pens start­ing with 1996 and count­ing up to 2000. There were 6000 of these 1999 pens made, which makes them some­what uncom­mon, but by no means rare. The long han­dle of the Art­Pen is rem­i­nis­cent of dip pens, so this pen and the Vis­con­ti bot­tle which wants an inkwell seem to be a nat­ur­al match. Today I tight­ened up the pen­cils. While that’s not fin­ished, I’m not too far from being able to go in with ink. I intend to incor­po­rate Vis­con­ti Brown in the draw­ing along with black ink. And I’ll pro­vide fur­ther updates as they come. 

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