The Landscape Expands

I was­n’t able to spend much time in the stu­dio today, but I’m forc­ing myself to keep adding to this, even if it’s a small por­tion at a time and the draw­ing real­ly isn’t yet tak­ing shape in my head. I can’t afford to sit around wait­ing for the muse to throw a brick at my head; the name of this game is just to keep mov­ing forward.

I have a lot to do over the next few months, so fail­ing to make progress is just not an option. No mat­ter how small or unsat­is­fac­to­ry it may seem right now, it will add up to some­thing. I actu­al­ly do have a num­ber of new ideas for projects com­ing to me now, so that’s where I have to keep jot­ting notes in my note­book so that when the time comes I’ll have sol­id steps to take.

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