
What will replace my Prē: Android or iPhone?

My Palm Prē Plus is com­ing to end of its life. Even if HP had not aban­doned WebOS all the devel­op­ment was going to be for new­er ver­sions of WebOS — ver­sions HP promised I could upgrade to but reneged on that promise. So despite an oper­at­ing sys­tem that I adore and a user inter­face that makes all oth­er phones look clum­sy and awk­ward, I can’t avoid the real­i­ty about this phone. The bugs will nev­er be fixed, the apps I hoped for (Skype, Pock­et­Money, a work­ing Google Voice app, Google+, Omni­fo­cus, a decent time track­er…) will nev­er appear, the GPS is crip­pled (thanks for the fraud, Ver­i­zon!) the Web brows­er will nev­er be able to upload pho­tos or access loca­tive infor­ma­tion, and the case is cracked. So now I’m faced with a deci­sion: iPhone or Android?

I wait­ed to see what the iPhone5 iPhone4S looks like and yes­ter­day’s announce­ment did­n’t bring any real sur­pris­es. The tweaks that were promised in iOS5 will be wel­comed on my iPad, but I’ll care some­what less about them on the phone plat­form. I was most­ly curi­ous about how the case will look, and whether it would be a 4G phone (which could have some bear­ing on whether to stick with Ver­i­zon for anoth­er two years.) As it turns out, it’s pret­ty much an iPhone4 with a bet­ter cam­era, faster proces­sor, and uh… was there some­thing else?

These aren’t the droids I’m looking for

I hate to dis­miss the Android plat­form with­out get­ting an Android device and using it for some time. So far I’ve only got­ten a cou­ple of min­utes at a time to explore the plat­form on oth­er peo­ple’s devices. There are a cou­ple of fea­tures I’m real­ly inter­est­ed in — Google Voice inte­gra­tion for exam­ple — that just won’t be the same with­out Android. Yet the plat­form itself in all its incar­na­tions is uncom­pelling. The vir­tu­al key­board and auto­cor­rect fea­ture are clum­sy and at times seem obsti­nate­ly coun­ter­in­tu­itive. I don’t want to work that hard to use my phone.

Android does have awide range of hard­ware avail­able, and large screens. Any­one who fetishizes a five inch screen on their phone has no choice but to go with Android. I pre­fer my phone to be a bit small­er. Pock­etabil­i­ty is a key fea­ture. It’s bad enough to have to give up my per­fect­ly-sized 3.1″ screen on the Pre to move up to a 3.5″ screen, but on the Android plat­form, get­ting a device with a screen as small as 3.5″ means get­ting a down­re­vi­sion device with slow hardware.

The i’s have it

No mat­ter what, going from a webOS device to any­thing else on the mar­ket means I’m going to have to set­tle for a user expe­ri­ence that is less than ele­gant. Android is most­ly an unknown quan­ti­ty to me, while I have invest­ed fair­ly heav­i­ly in a soft­ware library for iOS. I used all of the first three revi­sions of iPhone before switch­ing to the Palm Prē, and con­tin­ue to use my iPad. I won’t have to buy new soft­ware or learn dif­fer­ent versions.

I’m very tempt­ed to take advan­tage of the release of the iPhone4S to buy an iPhone4 at the bar­gain base­ment price that Apple announced. The iPhone4 is a capa­ble device, and I’m not exact­ly float­ing in cash. I have a lit­tle time left to make that deci­sion, but I’ve been wish­ing that Apple would put 64GB into an iPhone for some time. Faster down­load time is always a bonus as well, and buy­ing faster proces­sors means being able to hang on to the same device for longer. That sounds like a weak ratio­nal­iza­tion, but the Palm Prē’s 500mHz proces­sor was already slug­gish when I reviewed the Prē a lit­tle over a year ago. Time has not been kind to the Prē since; If I buy a phone this month I’d real­ly like to still be using the same device two years from now.

As sor­ry as I am to see the Prē go, it’s time. The Prē was a fine exper­i­ment and I love the plat­form. If HP had­n’t killed it, I might be con­sid­er­ing a Prē2 or even a Prē3, though I still pre­fer the small­er form fac­tor. Great user inter­face is not the only sell­ing point for a phone, and the soft­ware selec­tion for the iPhone is unmatched. So it’s time to say that insane­ly pret­ty good is good enough and move on.

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