2022 road running review
I’ve been running again this year, and more generally trying to move toward fitness. I bought an Apple Watch and started «closing my rings» with their Fitness+ workouts, as well as work at the gym. I’m not finished finishing my basement but part of it can be used for indoor workouts, with a few mats, a small set of dumbbells, and a treadmill. The treadmill is not a very good one. I’ve felt the belt slip a few times when I’ve gone faster than a gentle trot, but I can do a brisk walk or even a light jog and watch a television show or movie at the same time if the weather outside is frightful.
I added up the outdoor runs and walks that I logged, and it came to 222.77 miles. That’s not a lot as recreational runners go, but it’s approximately 222.77 miles more than I logged in the previous four years combined. So that’s moving in the right direction. Including treadmill distances brings me up to 344.28. My best month was May at 59.48 miles (combined indoor/outdoor, walk/run).
I ran eleven organized races in 2022. Most were 5Ks. Only one (Troy Turkey Trot) was a 10K. I didn’t find many 10Ks in the schedules this year, which is too bad because 10K is a really fun distance for a race. One (Miles on the Mohawk) was a ten mile race, and two (Helderberg to Hudson and Run 4 The River) were half marathons. Helderberg to Hudson was only the third time I’d run outdoors this year and I finished in 2:55:20. Run 4 The River was a 2:40:14 finish. Both were faster than my time in the US Half in 2011 (3:02:02).
I didn’t hit either of my pace goals for the year, which were to run a 5K in 30 minutes and a 10K in 60. The closest I came was at the LifeSong Dash in Halfmoon, where I came in at 33:12. So let’s see if I can hit those marks in 2023! I’m sure they’re do-able.
Most important, what miles I put in this year were injury-free. There were a few times I was sore and some minor strains, but nothing that a day of rest didn’t put right.
I got the opportunity to explore my neighborhood and my town, saw places that I otherwise wouldn’t have, like the Erie Canal Bike Path and the Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail. It always gives me a little bit of a smile to be able to run on closed city streets. I understand that traffic gets disrupted a bit but hey, it’s only for a couple hours at most and cars have exclusive use of that space 8,758 hours per year. I don’t feel too bad for the poor motorists.
Coming up in 2023 I’m already registered for the Saratoga First Day 5K, Helderberg to Hudson, Firecracker 4 in Saratoga Springs, Miles on the Mohawk, and Run 4 The River.