Mah teetees hurt

Went to the gym what? THREE days ago? My chest still hurts. I’m wait­ing for Jeff to fin­ish his din­ner so we can go hit the Embar­cadero 24 Hour. It’s like our secret place out in the mid­dle of EVERYWHERE. Here’s the secret (shhh!) The Embar­cadero 24 Hour Fit­ness is this HORRIBLE yup­pie scum gym that is hor­ri­bly over­crowd­ed with peo­ple with too much mon­ey all the time. It’s right down near the finan­cial dis­trict. It’s impos­si­ble to get any time on any of the machines because all the spoiled pro­fes­sion­al fuck­wads are there lean­ing on the machines and talk­ing about stock options or their BMWs. It’s hor­ri­ble and annoy­ing as hell. Crowd­ed gyms are just no fun, espe­cial­ly when they’re crowd­ed full of peo­ple you don’t want to deal with.

But that’s not the SEEKRIT part. That’s the part that every­one knows. The SEEKRIT part is that nobody in their right mind — even yup­pies — are in the finan­cial dis­trict on the week­ends. So this gym that’s built to han­dle throngs of yup­pie scum at lunch hour is prac­ti­cal­ly emp­ty. We go on Sat­ur­day evenings and con­sid­er it crowd­ed if there’s a half-dozen oth­er peo­ple in the whole place. And there’s noth­ing quite like hav­ing the whole place to your­self and the half-dozen oth­er losers that are work­ing out in down­town San Fran­cis­co on a Sat­ur­day night.

Yeah, no illu­sions about work­ing out on a Sat­ur­day night mak­ing me a big los­er, but if I get to the point where I can bench my own body weight, well.… few­er peo­ple will be will­ing to say it to my face any­how! LOL


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