Goodbye Aleksandr

Yes­ter­day this world lost Alek­san­dr Solzhenitsyn.

His pass­ing is a ter­ri­ble loss for us, but I don’t find myself sad. He sur­vived the gulag and lived to see his own pen defeat the regime that betrayed him and his coun­try. It’s been said that the pen is might­i­er than the sword. We who lived in the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry saw the pen might­i­er than an arse­nal of nuclear weapons, might­i­er than the most exten­sive secret police force in all his­to­ry. He … Read the rest

Working On My Feet

This week­end I did some­thing I’ve been think­ing about for some time. I threw away every­thing I’ve ever been told about «work­sta­tion ergonom­ics» and adjust­ed the height and angle of my draw­ing table up. I moved the draw­ing I’m work­ing on up high­er on the board and pushed my chair aside. I did the next cou­ple of hours of draw­ing stand­ing up, sit­ting only when I did some­thing with the computer.

I liked work­ing stand­ing. I’ve noticed before that I … Read the rest

iPhone Looks More Appealing

Faster «3G» net­work­ing is a nice bonus, but that’s not what’s get­ting my atten­tion. What’s tip­ping me toward the iPhone is that, even though Apple is hold­ing the reins tight­ly, third-par­ty appli­ca­tions are pos­si­ble and a few of my must-haves are already here. Also, word is the new iPhone has much bet­ter sound qual­i­ty than the orig­i­nal. Reports that the orig­i­nal iPhone was not real­ly a great phone did give me pause.

In order to put third-par­ty apps on … Read the rest

The Dream Lives On

My high school saved me. I was on a bru­tal down­ward spi­ral in sixth, sev­enth and eighth grades, and in high school I went to an uncon­ven­tion­al school that pro­vid­ed tremen­dous free­dom and respon­si­bil­i­ty on its stu­dents. In many ways it appeared to be an «eas­i­er, soft­er way» but it pro­vid­ed its own form of chal­lenge to the stu­dents. We were giv­en enough rope to hang our­selves. The stu­dents were treat­ed as peers to the fac­ul­ty. We were on a … Read the rest

Overdid it but made it all the way home

Today’s run: 5.33 miles in a slug­gish 1:09:53. I’m dis­ap­point­ed not so much in the final time, but in how hard I hit the wall while I was out there. The sun was beat­ing down and sure felt hot­ter than the 70 degrees my weath­er wid­get says it is.

I went out and around Mays Field, which was fun because there was a game at the time. I heard Rich Aure­lia (I think) hit … Read the rest

No One Said It Would Be Easy

1.9 miles in 25 min­utes, 32 sec­onds. I sup­pose that’s not too bad for a guy who has­n’t run in the 9 months since break­ing his foot.

I actu­al­ly did try run­ning a lit­tle over two months ago but start­ed wheez­ing and could not catch my breath. I ran about a block and a half and walked almost the remain­der of the 2.25 miles. I decid­ed to start walk­ing instead of run­ning for the time being, but … Read the rest

A Brain That Works ?2% of the Time

I’m a bit cha­grinned to admit that hav­ing been mired in details I failed to see the obvious.

In stan­dard paper sizes (ISO 216) and pen-point sizes (ISO 128 &c), the square root of two is used as the inter­val between sizes, and between the short and long sides in the case of paper. This makes good sense for the pur­pos­es of mechan­i­cal enlarge­ment or reduc­tion. If you draw or write some­thing with a #2 pen (0Read the rest

I Don’t Get It

Why is it even mild­ly scan­dalous that Barack Oba­ma said that he’d take pub­lic mon­ey and then decid­ed not to? Are there restric­tions attached to the Pres­i­den­tial Cam­paign Fund that he does­n’t have to abide? Or is it just that it the­o­ret­i­cal­ly looks bad for the oth­er can­di­date to have his hand in the pub­lic cook­ie jar while he doesn’t?… Read the rest

Morning in the East Bay

Two Albany Police Cruisers and a BicycleIt’s morn­ing in El Cer­ri­to — or is it Albany? I’ve nev­er been cer­tain about the bor­ders here in the East Bay. I stopped at a Shell sta­tion to get fuel for the Guzzi and a lit­tle caf­feine for myself.

Across San Pablo from me is a police­man who has pulled over a bicy­clist. The bicy­clist has a trail­er attached to her bike, and the trail­er has a trash bar­rel on it and some rakes and tools.

It looks like the … Read the rest

Little Star

Stella 90sPilot is quick­ly becom­ing my favorite pen man­u­fac­tur­er and my least favorite pen com­pa­ny at the same time. Their design and atten­tion to detail is remark­able, their qual­i­ty con­trol appears to be cur­rent­ly unpar­al­leled in the indus­try, and their prices run on the low side com­pared to pens of sim­i­lar qual­i­ty of design. In these regards, Pilot is mak­ing most of the rest of the indus­try look bad. What’s the catch? Pilot USA won’t sell these pens.

The newest addi­tion to … Read the rest