Short Bike, Short Run before work today.

I for­got to use the timer on my watch, but I added up the lengths of the songs I played plus the amount into the last song I was. Need to keep bet­ter track of this stuff.

My com­mute to work is the same as always, I think it’s just about 7 miles. The bike is a LOT heav­ier laden down with change of clothes etc in the pan­niers. Although nor­mal­ly I would have all that crap on my back, so … Read the rest


How did Microsoft Out­look get to be every­one in the world’s favorite email pro­gram with­out a “bounce” or “redi­rect” fea­ture? Now I have to explain what an email head­er is and how to see it to send it to me.

Igno­rant users I have no prob­lem with. Mali­cious devel­op­ers that try to make it more dif­fi­cult for us to deal with the igno­rant users, and CHARGE US FOR THE PRIVILEGE, those just piss me off.… Read the rest

(‘=’ != ‘==’)

I ought­ta have that tat­tooed on me. Like on the inside of my eye­lids. In glow-in-the-dark ink.

I’m glad that equal­i­ty and assign­ment aren’t the same oper­a­tor. It’s just such an easy mis­take to make. And a dif­fi­cult one to find. And a FRUSTRATING one to find at 11pm in the evening when one’s boss is won­der­ing why all the new orders are com­ing in as paid even though they haven’t been.… Read the rest

How I became a Java expert

I was teach­ing myself C out of the Kernighan and Ritchie book (sec­ond edi­tion, so you know I’m a poseur john­ny-come-late­ly) when I tried to pick up Java. This was 1996 and my head was filled with «what if» sce­nar­ios that are still as absurd today as they were then. You know, like «what if all appli­ca­tions were Open­Doc com­po­nents writ­ten in Java?» Which is sec­ond only to «why can’t we all just get along?» in it’s naïveté. But any­how, … Read the rest

This clinches it.…

Asadol­lah Mirza lift­ed the nee­dle from the record that was play­ing on the gramo­phone and said, “Moment, moment… do you want me to guess? You’ve paid a vis­it to San Fran­cis­co with Layli and you’ve left her a present in her suitcase?”

“No, Uncle Asadol­lah. Don’t make jokes about it. It’s some­thing much more important.”

“Oh, shut up with you, man, so it’s noth­ing to do with San Fran­cis­co? Los Ange­les is in those parts, round the back, and if

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Coffee and ink are thicker than electrons

In The Secret Life of the Love Song, Nick Cave leads us on an illu­mi­nat­ing digres­sion about a cousin to the love song, the love let­ter. He says that the love let­ter has the pow­er to bind the loved one, to blind and imprison as the recip­i­ent is recre­at­ed from the writer’s imag­i­na­tion, cre­at­ing the lover anew in paper like Pyg­malion with his stone.

Me, I nev­er trust a woman who writes let­ters, because I know that I myself can­not

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Oh for pity’s sake

I was over at 23rd and Mis­sion again today. Some­one has kicked a hole in the recent­ly repaired and repaint­ed image of Rachel Cor­rie. It was heart­break­ing the first time, and heart­warm­ing when it was repaired and repaint­ed. Now it’s been defaced in the same man­ner as before and any sus­pi­cion that it might have been a ran­dom act of drunk­en­ness has dissolved.

Jeezus Christ. This is Lib­er­al-Left-Coast San Fran­cis­co for cryin’ out loud! If this is the kind … Read the rest

Moving? It’s decision day

So I’ve been putting off com­mit­ting, but today is the last week­day before it turns into next month, so if I’m going to give notice to my land­lord this month, it has to be now.

Not this very minute, but yeah, today. I have to call my land­lord today any­how to tell her about the leak in the roof, so I’m tempt­ed to just hit her with the double-whammy.

I’m sick of com­mut­ing. I’m start­ing to get down­right tired of liv­ing … Read the rest


Some­times I feel I should just give up reading.

A cou­ple weeks ago, I read a Star Trek nov­el to get some cheap enter­tain­ment. It was bad. Real­ly bad. I’m a life­long read­er of sci-fi so don’t give me shit about this. I haven’t read Star Trek nov­els since I was in fourth grade. But I decid­ed to try out a Voy­ager nov­el that took place imme­di­ate­ly after the TV series end­ed; I’d been curi­ous about what hap­pened to the … Read the rest