Book #13 This Year
A delightful memoir with abundant doses of historical tidbits about motorcycling. Yeah, I know. I’m diving in, and even when I’m not on the bike now I’m reading about riding. Well, so be it. Next on my reading list is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance which I read a long long time ago, and Hell’s Angels. But I might finish up some of my other books first.
I had an amused moment when I read Pierson’s description of the load that climbing Mount Mitchell put on her motorcycle’s engine. Fourteen years ago I climbed Mount Mitchell on my bike, but my legs were the engine that year. I had a combination flash of superiority and envy reading about this. It would be great to go riding in the Blue Ridge Mountains again, whether on a motorcycle or a bicycle. The Parkway is a road that should probably be closed to four-wheeled traffic, with perhaps an exception made for certain kinds of convertibles.
If you’re fascinated by motorcycles, this is a great read. If you’re not, there may not be much here for you.