The foot bone’s connected to 

I feel a lit­tle bad about all the crit­i­cism I’ve done of Kathy Reichs’ first three nov­els. I hope it’s been clear that despite the short­com­ings I see, I’ve enjoyed read­ing each of the nov­els. In addi­tion to the sto­ries them­selves I’ve appre­ci­at­ed see­ing those short­com­ings dis­ap­pear. Reichs’ pro­gres­sion as a writer has been quite gratifying.

I’m pleased to report that in her fourth Tem­per­ance Bren­nan nov­el, Fatal Voy­age, Reichs’ seems to have hit her stride. The pac­ing and struc­ture of the nov­el is engag­ing. Her char­ac­ters have suf­fi­cient depth and com­plex­i­ty to hold the plot togeth­er. Are there areas of her writ­ing that can con­tin­ue to improve? Cer­tain­ly. But she has suc­cess­ful­ly elim­i­nat­ed most of the rough areas.

This is the first of the nov­els where I rec­og­nized a plot ele­ment that I have seen in the Bones tele­vi­sion show. Of course the nov­el was writ­ten years before the show went on air, but the areas the show and the nov­els have in com­mon are few. The details of the mys­tery were very dif­fer­ent, but the dis­cov­ery of an unre­lat­ed body part at the scene of an air dis­as­ter, lead­ing to a dou­ble-mys­tery was a device used in the episode «The Man on the Fair­way» from the first sea­son of Bones. In case you were wondering.