Reclaiming Civilzation, One Letter at a Time
This was an impulse purchase in an art supply store, and its value is primarily to convince the reader to purchase more paper, ink, and pens. Basically, I’m a choir waiting for the sermon.
I’ve written only one letter by hand this year, so I’m really not doing that well in this regard. My cynicism about the «purpose» of the book aside, it actually was full of practical tidbits, ways to get around the writer’s blocks that can come up when faced with a blank page and the intention to write to a loved one. I suspect that I may refer back to this from time to time to help get me past the first paragraph, after which the writing of a letter gets easier.
(If you’ve never received a letter from me, don’t worry. I’m still pretty new at it. I think only four people have received a proper letter from me in the last fifteen years.)