Twin Peaks at Night

Well, one thing’s for sure: run­ning at night in an area with mod­er­ate auto­mo­bile traf­fic and no side­walks or street­lights is a bad idea. I don’t think I’m going to push my luck by try­ing that again, even though the view from Twin Peaks at night is stunning.

But I did my best time on that par­tic­u­lar 5k loop: 30:18. Made it a nice fast (con­sid­er­ing that’s a tremen­dous climb — five hun­dred feet if I … Read the rest

Charley Horse

I woke up yes­ter­day morn­ing with a sud­den cramp­ing in my left calf. Despite a day’s worth of walk­ing, mas­sag­ing, and stretch­ing the leg, I still have a knot the size of a golf ball in my calf, and I’m walk­ing with a bit of a limp. I think this has ele­vat­ed itself to the lev­el of ‘sports injury’.

Try­ing to make sure I get enough potas­si­um and mag­ne­sium today. Ow.… Read the rest

Moved too soon, I guess

Just to rub my nose in it, there is a 2BR avail­able in a build­ing I lived in back in col­lege. It’s a nice build­ing right on top of Nob Hill, and it used to be a rat-infest­ed fleatrap, but rumor has it that the own­er actu­al­ly lost the build­ing for repeat­ed code vio­la­tions. I always thought it could be real nice if they’d just fix it up a lit­tle bit and take a tiny bit of care, and … Read the rest

I’m having a rockstar day

Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is not mea­sured in lines of code. I’ve writ­ten 15 lines of code today.

I’ve fixed prob­lems with three web­site tem­plates and made progress toward mak­ing the tem­plate sys­tem eas­i­er to maintain.

I found AND FIXED two bugs in our order­ing sys­tem that could cause cus­tomers to be able to order tours or cruis­es on days they weren’t real­ly avail­able. Also made it pos­si­ble to con­trol avail­abil­i­ty in years oth­er than 2004, which will come in handy as 2005Read the rest

Naming to avoid

I’m try­ing to come up with a name for a sub­do­main for a web­site that will be used by our clients to admin­is­ter the orders that come in for their com­pa­nies. Since my com­pa­ny is all about San Fran­cis­co tourism, I like to name the servers for SF streets or oth­er SF triv­ia.… both is best. For exam­ple, our mailserv­er is geary, named for Geary Boule­vard which was itself named for John White Geary, the first Post­mas­ter of San Francisco.… Read the rest

Running, (Swimming?) Biking

Results are in from my recent run in the SFDSE Run­ners Potrero Hill Run. Turns out I came in 34th over­all at 36:10 (not 36:20… I went back to look at the clock after­ward and just took the time down).

I know it takes work and com­mit­ment, but I’m so close in all these events to being in the top 50% that I find myself ask­ing, “why can’t I get up there?” In … Read the rest

Running ragged

Dif­fi­cult, painful race today. I did four miles that includ­ed a very steep hill on Ver­mont Street. It seemed like I’d nev­er catch my breath, but I plowed through and fin­ished aston­ish­ing­ly in 36:20. My goal had been a nine-minute mile pace but I gave that up pret­ty quick­ly after I felt how much my calves were hurt­ing. To come so close to my goal when I was afraid I was­n’t going to fin­ish at all is … Read the rest


I picked a new route this morn­ing, and mea­sured it with the help of Yahoo Maps, so I hope they have accu­rate dis­tances. Accord­ing to them if I run up Twin Peaks and back down from my apart­ment it’s 3.1 miles.

IF, on the oth­er hand, I run back down the oth­er side of Twin Peaks and down Mar­ket Street, it looks like an even five miles. And that’s what I did. 5.0 miles in 51Read the rest

Another personal best!

10.5 miles in 1:38:33. That’s a 9:23 pace for my longest-ever-yet run.

I start­ed out with my reg­u­lar 4.4 miles out to the start of Chris­sy Field and back, and added a jaunt to the end of the munic­i­pal pier. Then I was feel­ing pret­ty good so I decid­ed to see how far down the Embar­cadero I could go to add a lit­tle more dis­tance. Bing the big dumb … Read the rest