Peoplewatching on MUNI

Today I missed the street­car and went down to the under­ground trains to try to catch up. The under­ground trains don’t go near my office, but they do go up Mar­ket and are faster than the “His­toric F‑Line” street­cars, so I hoped I’d get up to Embar­cadero before the street­car I’d just missed.

On the Mis­sion Bay train I saw a fas­ci­nat­ing woman talk­ing to the man she was next to. Both were stand­ing on this crowd­ed train near a Read the rest

Why I like my job

Steer­ing the tech­no­log­i­cal infra­struc­ture of the future via IM…

My boss: the html and images are quite a drag
«Splicer» says:  LOL
«Splicer» says: Yes, if we did­n’t have a web­site, it would load reaaaal­ly fast
My boss: yep my thoughts exactly
«Splicer» says:  Of course, then the cus­tomers would have to guess what they were buy­ing. We’d have to pio­neer the use of TTTP
«Splicer» says: Tele­path­ic Text Trans­fer Protocol
My boss: yep
Read the rest


OK yes­ter­day, the Bay To Break­ers site said this:

Me San Fran­cis­co CA 40811 1577 1:58:40 USA

my place­ment being 1577. Today it says this:

Me San Fran­cis­co CA 40811 15772 1:58:40 USA

Sooooo, my new goal for next year is to make it not to the top 500, but rather into the top 10,000. This is do-able. A lit­tle bit dis­ap­point­ing, but I thought it was a lit­tle … Read the rest

Unofficial time: 1:37:15

I think the offi­cial time will be just under two hours. I start­ed my stop­watch when I crossed the start­ing line. The offi­cials start­ed their watch­es when I was about four blocks away from the start­ing line. ham­mer­head and I ran the whole way togeth­er, so his time is the same. It’s nice run­ning with some­one; I usu­al­ly run by myself. The 7.5 miles went by real­ly quick­ly. It was a ton of fun and check­ing out all … Read the rest

Hey Bush supporters!

Please tell me about how Richard Clarke is delu­sion­al or lying.

I’m seri­ous. Because he’s made some pret­ty dis­turb­ing alle­ga­tions, and I have no rea­son not to believe him. His book is pret­ty good, actu­al­ly. I mean it’s a real page-turn­er. Blix’s book was kind of boring.

Here’s the thing. I don’t want to be a “Bush-hater” as nnnuts says. Real­ly. I know just by read­ing the book I’ve paint­ed myself as a Bush-hater, but I real­ly and hon­est­ly want to … Read the rest

Yay consumerism

I went to the Apple store today. I want­ed to look into get­ting my iPod ser­viced. The bat­tery life is less than stel­lar, espe­cial­ly when I wear it run­ning. The bat­tery drains a lot faster when I’m mov­ing around a lot. Also, one of the sides had popped out, which I thought must have hap­pened when I got attacked. I was afraid that the unit had been dam­aged and that I would­n’t get war­ran­ty ser­vice. I also want­ed to look Read the rest

When will you realize?

Ran anoth­er 5.25 miles this morning.

That makes my aver­age for the year so far 0.47 miles per day. Not that that real­ly means any­thing. But I don’t run enough and should be doing oth­er things on top of run­ning. So I fig­ure I’m get­ting about one-fourth the work­out reg­i­men I should if I want to see the begin­nings of changes. That’s discouraging.

I don’t know how all you peo­ple make time in your lives for … Read the rest

Health care in America: what Constitution?

Both par­ties to this con­tract, by enter­ing into it, are giv­ing up their con­sti­tu­tion­al right to have any such dis­pute decid­ed in a court of law before a jury, and instead are accept­ing the use of arbi­tra­tion. Both par­ties also agree to give up any right to pur­sue on a class basis any claim or con­tro­ver­sy against the oth­er. —€”from Blue Cross HMO Exclu­sions and Limitations

OK, I can appre­ci­ate that they are attempt­ing to pro­tect them­selves from the «ever … Read the rest