Barefoot in the park
This morning I gave barefoot running a try. All but about six-tenths of a mile of todays run were done as laps around Jackson Park. I left the house wearing my Tevas (with a pair of socks in my pocket in case barefoot turned out to be too much and the Tevas chafed. Neither happened. I ran in the sandals down to the park, stashed them behind one of the backstops, and started doing laps.
Most of the running was in the grass, but the area behind the backstops are packed dirt. That didn’t turn out to be a problem, but there were some occasional twigs and sharp pebbles I wished I’d avoided.
It’s far too early to have any opinion on the minimalist running controversy. Although Barefoot Ted says that the foot adjusts a runner’s stride automatically while running barefoot, I think that may be a bit of romantic puffery. The habits of stride were not automatically overcome, though I did begin to see the benefits of keeping a shorter stride and staying up on my toes. The change will certainly come through conscious modification of my stride.
One thing has become clear, or at least clear that it is unclear: I have no idea what a «midfoot strike» is. I can see how striking the ground with the heel is biomechanically recklessthe idea that the foot’s arch is our built-in shock absorber seems self-evidentbut there isn’t much to bear weight between the underside of the heel and the point where the metatarsals meet the phalanges. I can’t imagine anyone’s toes by themselves being strong enough to run on without the ball of the foot taking weight as well. So I’m assuming that «forefoot strike» means running on the balls and toes of the foot and that a «heel strike» means landing on the heel and rolling forward to the ball and toes. Between these two it seems obvious that the forefoot strike has the mechanical advantage but unless all of one’s arches are completely fallen or one is an extreme supinator I don’t know how anyone could strike between when running. I supinate, but not that much!
James Fixx’s The Complete Book of Running has been sitting on my shelf for a while and I’m starting to get inspired to read it. I’ve promised myself not to start another book until I’ve finished two of the ones on my «currently reading» list. I have too many books that I’ve started but not finished already! Just from leafing through the pages I’m really looking forward to reading Fixx’s book.