To the studio and back

ImageI did­n’t end up spend­ing a lot of time at the stu­dio today; I had­n’t planned to. There were a cou­ple of things I want­ed to do and it made a good excuse to go for a walk. I end­ed up doing more pen clean­ing than pen using today but I did get a few lines down on a draw­ing and I picked up the things I want­ed to bring home from the studio.

I’d seen the «NO PARKIN» curb paint before but it’s been quite a while since I walked down Ten­nessee Street this way. Ten­nessee Street dead-ends about every oth­er block so it’s pret­ty much a street to walk but not dri­ve on.

I stopped at the Good Life Gro­cery on top of Potrero and picked up a can of soup for din­ner. Due to some sort of ship­ping error the UPS Store where I keep my mail­box had a whole bunch of sour­dough rounds that they were giv­ing away before they got thrown away. It’s been soup in a bread bowl every night since. On my way out of the gro­cery store I saw a woman I know and said hel­lo. Though I for­got to men­tion it in yes­ter­day’s run report I came upon a woman who used to have a stu­dio in the build­ing where I used to have a stu­dio. I almost did­n’t rec­og­nize her and ran past, but did a dou­ble-take over my shoul­der and real­ized that it was some­one I know. She was push­ing her daugh­ter in a stroller and I don’t think I’ve seen the daugh­ter since she was just three or four months old.

It’s one of the things I find impor­tant in a neigh­bor­hood, that when I go out the door I encounter peo­ple I know. I see my neigh­bors on my block all the time and I’m very aware of how for­tu­nate I am to know my neigh­bors. It has not been the case in every neigh­bor­hood I’ve lived in. It’s even bet­ter though to run into peo­ple I know when I’m not on my block. Encoun­ter­ing peo­ple I know in the neigh­bor­hood is what makes it a neigh­bor­hood and not just a part of town or a district.

For today’s walk I wore my Teva «sport san­dals» instead of my Saucony run­ning shoes. Tomor­row or Tues­day (depend­ing on whether tomor­row is a rest day) I might try run­ning in the Tevas. I sus­pect that they are too cush­ioned and too much like a run­ning shoe to be con­sid­ered «min­i­mal­ist» footwear but it’s some­thing that I can try out with­out the expense of buy­ing new footwear. 

Did you know that my stu­dio is on the same street as the Hells Angels club­house? I snapped the pic­ture on the way back from the stu­dio. I did­n’t run into any­one I know there.
