I like hill running. There’s nothing like a good test of tenacity when out on the road. The only trouble is that tenacity isn’t easy to come by all the time.
Bernal is the largest hill I’ve attempted to run up since I started running again this year. The ascent is nearly 400 feet from Cesar Chavez Street to the top of Bernal. I climbed that 400 feet over the course of seven tenths of a mile, which averages out to an 11% grade. I ran for about a thousand feet at 12% grade before Alabama Street got steeperthe next 200 feet, which I walked, averages a 24% grade. By contrast, from home to the top of Potrero is about a 200 foot increase in elevation over six tenths of a milean average of a 6% grade.
It was pretty hazy this morningenough to entirely obscure the view of the buildings downtown. But it takes a denser fog than that to completely eliminate the view. Had it been direct sun, I would have been overheated by the time I got to the top. I had almost hoped it would rain to cool me off more but even as it was it was a pleasantly cool morning for a run.
Unfortunately I felt a couple twinges as I ran today. My joints aren’t very happy with me and I need to do more to strengthen them. May was just shy of a seventy mile month for me, which means I averaged slightly more than 15 miles per week. I’ve been targeting a 25 mile week lately but that seems to be too steep an increase. If I am to go with the «10 Percent Rule» (note the example in that article about what not to doincrease distance from 15 to 25 miles per week) that means my June 1stJune 7th distance should be 17 miles. My actual distance? 17.2.
That makes it look like I’m doing it right, but if instead of June 1st to June 7th we look at June 6rd to June 12ththis calendar weekmy total is 15.84 miles. It’s only Wednesday. Even if we call this week the second week after doing 15 miles per week, my target with the 10PR would be 18.9 miles for this week. That means that between tomorrow, Friday and Saturday I have to limit myself to an average of one mile per day.
Really, it doesn’t work like that. Even though yesterday was a walk, it was still pushing three miles. At this stage of my development I can hardly call that a rest day. So I have gone five days in a row without a real rest day. I was sort of planning on doing a 4.5 mile club race tomorrow evening. That would brings my total up to 20.34 for the week and it would mean six days in a row without a rest day. Since my joints are complaining at me, I think tomorrow will have to be a day off, and perhaps Friday too. Then three miles on Saturday and start next week over with a target of 20.8 miles.
I hate to give up the race tomorrow. I’m not willing to rule it out but considering those twinges I felt I’ll have to be absolutely at 100% if I’m going to do it. Failing a miraculous complete absence of aches or creaking joints, the smart thing will be for me to stay home from the races tomorrow.
I also need to pay more attention to my mileage in the coming weeks and months. Part of the reason I’m writing up these run reports is so that I will have this information at my fingertips. But I never bothered to add up any weekly mileage totals until today. Collecting the information doesn’t help unless I actually look at the numbers. I have to do better.