Mission to Philz

I did­n’t race yes­ter­day evening and since I’m sup­posed to take it easy I decid­ed to fin­ish out my week with a walk. Maybe a very short walk tomor­row, but no run­ning. I want to be ready to run on Sunday.

As was sug­gest­ed in a com­ment on an ear­li­er post, I went to the orig­i­nal Philz Cof­fee to get my morn­ing brew. A walk through the Mis­sion on a sun­ny mid­morn­ing is a much more live­ly expe­ri­ence than my treks through indus­tri­al neigh­bor­hoods to get to the Mis­sion Bay Philz. I com­plete­ly for­got to see whether they car­ry the Wall Street Jour­nal, but I did pick up a jum­bo trav­el mug, which was filled with my cup of Suma­tra with car­damom. As I’d hoped, the cof­fee is still hot here at home and there’s more of it than if I’d just got­ten a large cup.


On the way back I came across a Guzzi LeMans. I’m not sure exact­ly what year it is but I want to say maybe it’s an ’82. It may not be the grandad­dy of my bike, but it is a great-uncle. I like see­ing Guzzis in the wild. There seem to be more of them here in San Fran­cis­co than in oth­er parts of the coun­try, but it’s still a treat. This one was parked on Har­ri­son Street and it looks well-loved. It gives me a lit­tle smile to see that as dif­fer­ent as this bike is from my own Guzzi, there’s so much about it that is exact­ly the same. Guzzi has tweaked that motor a bit over the years, but the design remains much the same. The LeMans had the Ton­ti frame back when it was con­sid­ered a rac­ing frame. The pipes’ con­fig­u­ra­tion includ­ing the for­ward crossover pipe is unchanged on my Stone from its predecessor.

Now I’m back at my desk and I have to sit at the com­put­er for a while but I have cof­fee (still hot!) and I’ve got­ten a lit­tle fresh air and sun­shine for the day.